速報APP / 生活品味 / Kingdom Embassy

Kingdom Embassy





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Kingdom Embassy(圖1)-速報App

Kingdom Embassy Worship Center is a church that focuses on making an impact in the community by bringing the message of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. With an apostolic and prophetic anointing, using the Word of God, music, and modern technology we cross cultural, denominational, and social barriers to reach the lost. Through our app you can stay connected to what’s happening at KE, receive event updates, and even watch our services on your mobile device.

Our mission is to restore the broken, bring deliverance to the bound, release healing to the wounded and bring Christ’s message of hope to all who will hear. With an emphasis on family ministry, our desire and assignment is to see the family unit restored and whole. As a prophetic voice we bring healing from the past, teach how to live victoriously in the present, and seek diligently for a better future!


• One-Touch Calling – contact the church directly or a staff member with one click.

Kingdom Embassy(圖2)-速報App

• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containing important church updates.

• Church Events - view current and upcoming ministry events.

• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to receive important church information.

• Prayer Request – record your request and submit to our staff.

Kingdom Embassy(圖3)-速報App

• Audio Sermons - listen to recorded audio sermons while on the go.

Developer: www.mypocketchurch.com